Sunday, May 24, 2009

My First Video

This is the first video made by me.And its dedicated to my on and only brother who loves me greater than i do..who tolerate all those stupid things in me.He is the most caring person in my life.I often fight with him for no reason..
Hes my inspiration in and everything i do..each and every breadth i take...He inspires me a lot when i feel i cant do something.I could have been nothing if he was not with me..Not even me he is an isnpiration factor for every child he know...I would defenitely tell the world through him how a human being can inspire other and make them live better,even the little ones...Infact i often feel this is what god is trying to convey to us through different relegions.I dont call him a perfect man.But hes the human being that God wants us to be.I wil defenitely follow him.And i will definitely make others know what every religion conveys.He has some magical power in him.Its because,what ever he prays to GOD for me will
come true...But he wont pray to God for himself.So what i am
gonna do is learn from him all those magical powers and gonna pray for him.I often feel like calling him an ANGEL.Guardian angel.God has given me such a wonderful brother and Best friend....If each one human being get some one like this to be with scold with fight with to cry with,to fight with,to laugh with.....we wil achieve a world of piece and love with in.....There wil be similar stories in each corner of the world.Because god has made some people for human sake.... Believing its for something i await....